
Believe it or not, your teenager still listens to you.  They are still looking at every move you make.  What you say and what you do still impacts the outcome of their future.  While we seek to train your teenager, we are only a piece of the puzzle.  You, as parents, still have the most incredible opportunity and influence in their lives and we look forward to coming alongside you.  We hope you would do the same with us.  Our desire is to see parents not only having students be a part of this exciting ministry but to find a place where you can serve as well.

HSM is committed to keeping you informed on what's happening in this ministry.  We offer the best environments to help develop your students into young men and women of God who desire to follow Jesus wherever He would lead them and live with a constant awareness of His presence.

Another part of our ministry is helping equip you through various recommended books and tools to help you have the tough conversations and navigate the unsettled waters of parenting teenagers. Continue to check back here for more resources and feel free to call or email with any questions.